Tuesday 23 March 2010

Survey 1 Pole Dancing

Hello I have created my first survey, please take some time to answer the questions, it doesn't take long!!

Click here to take survey


  1. Some comments from a group of 13 teachers who have viewed your survey:

    has altered my view of pole dancing because we did not see it as a sport;

    perhaps demonsatres how the media has influenced our thinking about pole dancing;

    were it an olympic sport, it might change people's perceptions.

    Your online survey and Blog has contributed to our understanding of how a Blog might contribute to learning.

  2. Thanks Alan, i totally agree with those comments however i am also interested in hearing critism to as this is what will make my future project really interesting. It is difficult not to be biased but im really interested to hear what people think, thanks.
    As for my blog, i hope it does contribute to peoples learning as thats the special and important part of this course :-)

  3. Hi Abbi, I have just completed your survey! I wanted to make a suggestion about one of your questions as it appeared biased to me but the survey has disappeared as soon as I clicked done... it was something aong the lines of.... Pole dancing can increase confidence, felxibility etc.Do you agree?.... I think you may need to re-word this as the first sentence could make the person taking part feel the nedd to agree with you and answer yes...just a suggestion! I hope you don't mind but I think I will give it a go on my blog...if I can work it out that is! Hope all is going well x

  4. You must have read my mind, i was talking to my mum about it and did say that i needed to change that question as it is biased. I also need to add male & female on there.

    Thanks Soph, i will definatly do yours as your diarys have been very helpful to me x

  5. hi Abbi,
    i have just done your survery and you have chosen a really interesting subject that will generate a lot of oppinion.
    In todays society is pole dancing seen as seedy?
    From a female point of view i would totally give praise to the dancers as it takes a lot of skill and endurance but its known worldwide as a sexual act to make money.
    i think it could increase confidence to someone with the right teaching etc, and i think it could be an olympic sport as there are other forms of dance such as ice skating etc.
    As i said in your survery i feel that it doesnt have to be seen as sexual
    hope this helps a little!

  6. Thanks you Stephanie, this does help as i do agree with you and the points that you have mad e. I totally understand that some majority of the public will see Pole dancing as seedy, however i dont intend to change everybody's mind on how they view it but just see a different side of it.
    Pole dancing is going to continue to be performed in mes clubs and something sexual and something that women do to make money, however i just want to show and prove that it is ALSO a way to keep fit, and a great way at doing just that.
    Thanks Steph

